Saturday, October 11, 2008

After a Summer at Home I'll be Heading Back to Peru in November.....

I will be taking part in my second medical mission to Peru from November 1-12 with the same group as last year--Olive Branch--but this time we'll be going about an hour north of Lima and setting up a medical clinic in an orphanage. Basically we'll take over the school for five days and provide medical, dental and optical services for the surrounding villages.
Last year I worked in the optical group dispensing eye glasses and literally cases of reading glasses. This year I'm tentatively scheduled to work with the dentists and that could include anything from holding a flashlight to chemically sterilizing the equipment or anything else that's required.
We'll be traveling by bus each day from Lima where we'll be staying in a hotel. Last year I only briefly saw Lima so this will be a good opportunity to experience the city. There are a few familiar faces with the group this year but most of the 22 people in this group will be new to me.
I've also signed up for the side trip to Machu Picchu again. I really enjoyed it last year, know a little more about it now, and am really looking forward to experiencing again one of the most incredible sights I've ever encountered in my travels. I won't be taking my computer this time but will be posting an account after we return and promise a bunch of breathtaking photos again.
