Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Another Good Day Today.....

Today was another good day—this class is a good one. In the afternoon we drove down around the Johannesburg Zoo and over into the Soweto Township. Soweto gained infamy in the 1970s when the apartheid government unleashed dogs and guns on students protesting racial segregation. The place is now a memorial and roughly equivalent to the events in America at Selma, Alabama. Driving into Soweto is a strange experience in itself—most of South Africa reminds me very much of Europe—the architecture, culture, and driving on the left side of the road. South Africa is also far and away the most advanced country in Africa in terms of technology and quality of life but Soweto—which isn’t an African word (it is an abbreviation for South West Township) was created in the early 1900s as a place to relocate black Africans during the separatist period. Most of the people here worked in the gold mines and it immediately became a hotbed of political unrest—especially in the 1940s during World War II. The Apartheid Government really clamped down on the township and by the 1970s it had become the center of anti-Apartheid opposition with leaders like Nelson Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu both coming out of Soweto. In 1976 the police opened fire on a student protest here and killed several people but started the uprising that eventually overthrew the Apartheid government. Today it is heavy on tourism and even has a tourist-oriented nightlife. Driving into Soweto is strange because you immediately feel the difference from European culture to African culture in the restaurants and shops. It was an interesting experience and I’m glad we went there today.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

It sometimes happens, but……

I came down the most severe case of Montezuma’s Revenge I’ve ever experienced traveling overseas. Monday I was miserable but managed to hold an abbreviated class. I have five students: Two from South Africa, one from Botswana, one from Tanzania, and one from Lesotho—and all seem to be very nice and capable. I think this should be a good group to work with.
On Tuesday I felt much better. Fortunately I carry antibiotics in my overseas first aid kit so I was in much better shape and we had a very good class mostly on the roads around Johannesburg. Unfortunately, the U.S. Consulate here is a high-risk facility and cameras are absolutely banned so I may not have many pictures this week and this blog may turn into commentary blog. When I was here three years ago, crime was epidemic but it is much, much worse now. Virtually every home is a fenced fortress and the government has even stopped enforcing laws about running stop signs because if you do stop, you’ll probably get carjacked. Except for possibly Costa Rica, I think South Africa may be the most beautiful country I’ve ever visited which makes this violence so much more unfortunate. Johannesburg is built on a series of hills and has exotic plants and birds and is postcard-beautiful. The beauty is just somehow shattered when you drive by a quaint stone church surrounded by brick walls and razor wire.
I have a little time free this weekend before I fly to Ethiopia so maybe I can travel around and take some photos then.
One thing I thought was unusual at the hotel here—you place a doll on your doorknob in the morning requesting “do not disturb,” “please tidy room,” or “pick up laundry.” What makes this strange is the stereotype dolls they use and I’m sure this would create a stir in the States.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Made It Over Here OK After 17 1/2 Hours....

The trip over from Houston/Atlanta/Senegal to Johannesburg went without problems but involved 17 1/2 hours--eight from Atlanta to Senegal and eight from Senegal to Johannesburg. We had a 1 1/2 hour layover in Dakar but they didn't let us off the plane. The weather is beautiful here--about 72 degrees and sunny which is the opposite of my last visit here two years ago. The picture to the right was taken between the airport and the city and it is hilly here. Johannesburg is the capital of the South African state of Gauteng which is an African word for "Place of Gold" and gold and other metals have made this area famous and rich. Gold mines are still very active around the city today.

My hotel is in the Sandburg area which is fairly upscale. The neighborhoods here are very nice but each home is literally a fortress because of the danger of street crime. They are beautiful homes but all have very high brick walls topped with razor wire and alarm systems and virtually every yard has at least one guard dog. Crime against persons is epidemic here and the hotel--while new and very nice--is also surrounded by high walls and electric fencing and has gated access with armed security guards patrolling the grounds 24/7. There is a shopping mall nearby and I ate supper there last night and walked around today but my movement is really restricted right now. When we start training tomorrow I should be getting out into the city more.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Adventure Coming Up.....

I am confirmed on another international trip--a realtively short one working this time for the US State Department. I will be flying from Houston on February 23 to Dakar, Senegal and then south to Johannesburg, South Africa to work February 26 through March 2. From there I'll fly to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for training from March 5 through 9.
This will be my second trip to South Africa and the elephant at the left was photographed at Philanesburg National Park. This will be my first trip to Ethiopia but I have worked in neighboring Chad and I somehow anticipate Ethiopia will be similiar in many ways. In as much as I have access to computers and Internet I hope to maintain this blog much like the Asian blog last year.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Wrapped Up a Week in Downtown New York City....

Bitter cold again this morning and light snow on the sidewalks. Had to go to the Bronx again today for training and made a side trip through Hell’s Kitchen which is a somewhat run-down area of Manhattan but I’ve always liked the name. We did our training in the Bronx today and drove around Yankee Stadium several times. The temperature is dropping even more this evening and I’ll going to stay inside the hotel except to eat supper. It’s supposed to rain and snow tonight and tomorrow so I have some concerns about flying out of LaGuardia tomorrow. It's been a good trip and a good job.

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