Sunday, February 25, 2007

Made It Over Here OK After 17 1/2 Hours....

The trip over from Houston/Atlanta/Senegal to Johannesburg went without problems but involved 17 1/2 hours--eight from Atlanta to Senegal and eight from Senegal to Johannesburg. We had a 1 1/2 hour layover in Dakar but they didn't let us off the plane. The weather is beautiful here--about 72 degrees and sunny which is the opposite of my last visit here two years ago. The picture to the right was taken between the airport and the city and it is hilly here. Johannesburg is the capital of the South African state of Gauteng which is an African word for "Place of Gold" and gold and other metals have made this area famous and rich. Gold mines are still very active around the city today.

My hotel is in the Sandburg area which is fairly upscale. The neighborhoods here are very nice but each home is literally a fortress because of the danger of street crime. They are beautiful homes but all have very high brick walls topped with razor wire and alarm systems and virtually every yard has at least one guard dog. Crime against persons is epidemic here and the hotel--while new and very nice--is also surrounded by high walls and electric fencing and has gated access with armed security guards patrolling the grounds 24/7. There is a shopping mall nearby and I ate supper there last night and walked around today but my movement is really restricted right now. When we start training tomorrow I should be getting out into the city more.

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