Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Making My Fourth Trip to Cameroon in November.....

.....which means I'll be on the road for Thanksgiving but will be home six days before Christmas.

This will be my third job with this company--called COTCO, or Cameroon Oil Transport Company (subsidiary of Exxon)--so I know what I'm getting into.

I'll be working in Douala, a major port city on the coast and within the shadows of Mt. Cameroon. In the past, I've been pretty much restricted to work and the hotel but this trip I'm going to make every effort to get out at least a little bit which may be hard since I'm working 27 straight days with only three Sundays off.

Cameroon is a hardship assignment but I can't complain since I've been to places like Cairo, Cape Town and Manila since my last trip here.....I guess you have to take the bad with the good.

I'll be posting more information as I learn more myself......

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