Thursday, January 21, 2010

Heading to the Heart of Africa and the Jungles of Rwanda and Kenya in March.....

I think the travel is picking up again..... I have a two-week job for the U.S. Embassy in Kigili, Rwanda which is the capital. I've never been there which is why I'm excited about the job. It's one of the few remaining gorilla preserves left in Central Africa and the site of the filming of Gorillas in the Mist about the plight of the Silverback Gorillas. Hopefully I'll get to visit a sanctuary while I'm there.

From Kigili, I fly to Kisumu, Kenya to do a one-week job for the U.S. Center for Disease Control. Most of Kenya is off limits right now because of security reasons but Kisumu is on the very southern border--literally sitting on the shores of Lake Victoria and has been spared most of the tribal violence throughout the rest of the country.

It will be my first trip to Rwanda and my third to Kenya but the first time outside of Nairobi. Both jobs will be in the vacinity of Lake Victoria but I probably won't have the opportunity to see Victoria Falls--one of my bucket list items. Maybe I'll get to see it from the air.....

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