Wednesday, July 14, 2010

On Our Next-to-Last Night We Took Our Interpreters Out to Dinner…..And Then It's Pekanbaru to Jakarta to Hong Kong to Los Angeles to Houston.....

…..and again it was the Kayu Manus and again, it was Country and Western Night. The interpreters have been a great help for the past four weeks. They were hired from a private company and were, for the most part, very capable and helpful assistants for the training.

Today we got all three programs together for a group photograph. It’s been a pretty good four weeks and I’m not at all anxious to leave here. I’ve had better jobs but I’ve also had a lot, lot worse and Indonesia has been a good one.

Yesterday the Australian and I walked nearly two hours after work—down past the Grand Mosque and along some busy streets eventually to the Siak River. The river runs through Pekanbaru but isn’t really any commercial waterway. It is badly polluted and has some maritime shipping. People still fish in it and I imagine that fish ends up in the street vendor’s carts.

The people here are so friendly—always ready with a smile. I caught these three imps filching sugar packets in the sports lounge one afternoon. They really don’t look all that guilty.

Speaking of imps, we were warned about the alpha monkeys here on the compound and I did see a few the past four weeks but never up close. This photo was shot by the Australian on the golf course. Didn't get to see a Sumatra tiger though--elephants and monkeys but no tigers.

I may or not post again before I leave. Tomorrow is the last day and we fly out Friday morning.

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