Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Finished My First Two-Day Refresher Program…..

…..and all went well as it is very organized here. Jakarta is a very large city population-wise—estimates run from 13 to 15 million people and the area I’m working in is much like a tropical jungle. The wide boulevard streets are nearly covered with a canopy of foliage and there are palm and banana trees everywhere. There are definitely areas of slums here—the gap between “haves” and “have nots” is very pronounced here but the area I’m training is affluent. The photo of the three buildings in the distance is an apartment complex in a tropical landscape with mountains in the background so you can see the mixture of modern and traditional is everywhere.
I do one more two-day program then have the weekend off. I’ll do something—just not sure what yet. A trip to Bali seems to be very difficult to set up and very expensive so I may not do that but would like to arrange something over the two days.
The Philippine job is still very confused. There is evidently a labor strike going on that affects the travel of some of the employees to the location in the south, so right now I’m scheduled to fly into Manila on Wednesday the 11th and co

mmute to a rural location from the airport hotel for two days before flying down to Luzon and the community to Tiwi to conduct two more programs. I will probably have a Sunday off in the middle of all this and Tiwi appears to be kind of interesting because of all the geothermal activity going on there. We’ll see…..

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