Tuesday, February 26, 2013

It's Getting Very Interesting Down Here.......

.....the weather has turned uncharacteristically bad in Antarctica (fog, I think), and we were told at supper that the trip probably won't make.  Obviously, everybody is major disappointed but everybody has been pretty good about it.

They rescheduled the Punta Arenas Marathon for this morning and we ran it in absolutely beautiful weather (of course Antarctica is 800 miles away). We ran along a promenade facing the Strait of Magellan and at one point there was a group (school?) of dolphins playing and jumping about 100 feet from the beach.

I finished the half marathon in 3:18 and was happy with it but when I got to the finish line, the race director told me to go to the hotel, change clothes and go buy some groceries.  He has a meeting at 4:00 with the pilot and we may be flying out at 5:00--doing another marathon today ending up in the dark, and spending the night at Antarctica--sleeping and eating on the plane.  How cool would that be?

If this develops, I will have done two half marathons (26.2 miles) in one day--something I've never even considered trying but it would be split over two continents.  My right knee hurts, both my feet are sore, and I'm tired but I wouldn't pass up  the opportunity to punish myself like this for anything.  I wanted an adventure and it looks like I'm getting it.

On top of that, I got an email from work today wanting to know if I would go to Kazakhstan in June.  Sure, why not?  I'll post more about Antarctica as I learn more......

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