Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Adventure Coming Up.....

I am confirmed on another international trip--a realtively short one working this time for the US State Department. I will be flying from Houston on February 23 to Dakar, Senegal and then south to Johannesburg, South Africa to work February 26 through March 2. From there I'll fly to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for training from March 5 through 9.
This will be my second trip to South Africa and the elephant at the left was photographed at Philanesburg National Park. This will be my first trip to Ethiopia but I have worked in neighboring Chad and I somehow anticipate Ethiopia will be similiar in many ways. In as much as I have access to computers and Internet I hope to maintain this blog much like the Asian blog last year.

1 comment:

kentucky said...

I enjoy so much getting to take the trip with you. Be carful and take lots of pictures.

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