Wednesday, April 25, 2007

On the Road Again in May.....

I’m scheduled for another trip—this time back to Bangkok, Thailand so there should be plenty of spectacular photographs. I’ll be there for three weeks working for ExxonMobil. The schedule is pretty tight—I’m scheduled for two 6-day classes and one 5-day class but I’ve taken an extra four days personal time at the end of the job and am attempting to schedule a flight to Siem Reap, Cambodia for three days and two nights to explore the world heritage site at Angkor Wat and the surrounding Cambodian countryside. I will have my laptop with me but, again, my ability to post will depend on internet access.

Here’s my schedule:
May 4-5—fly Houston/Tokyo/Bangkok
May 7-25—work for ExxonMobil
May 26-28—Visit Angkor Wat in Cambodia
May 29—Return to Friendswood

I’ve also signed up for a mission trip to Carazo, Nicaragua July 8-16. I’ve been warned this is a very primitive assignment in the jungles so obviously there won’t be any laptop (or even electricity) but I will take my camera and will probably post photos on the blog after I return.

1 comment:

Martha said...

Hope your trip went well. We are having rain again weather is warm tornados are moving through again. Supposed to rain all week. Guess I will get the house cleaned, between naps lol. Waiting for your report.
Your Missouri cuz
