Saturday, July 08, 2006

Arrived in Canberra and, due to the International Date Line, made it here on July 8. It's mid-winter here--freezing at night and in the 60's during the day but I arrived around noon and the sun was out and I walked about two miles to the Australian War Memorial and spent several hours there. Walked back to the mid city and they were observing the "annual running of the bulls in Pomplona, Spain" by having an "annual running of the sheep in Canberra." On the same order as the Spanish event, here they run sheep through the midtown, only since sheep are docile and don't actually charge anything, the Australians dress up and actually chase the sheep blowing plastic horns. The sheep then run along the pedestrian mall and through the sidewalk cafes while the onlookers cheer them on. Probably not something Hemmingway would have written about but nevertheless an unusual custom. I suspect alcohol was involved.....

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