Monday, July 10, 2006

On the job finally:

Things are off to a good start so far. I have a class of five students: two from Australia, one from Fiji, one from Bunei and one from Japan. Unfortunately three of them speak very little English and translators weren't provided so the training is a challenge. They're a good group, though, and we're having a little fun as we do the training. Canberra is a city literally built around a lake and almost anywhere you drive you have beautiful views of water. The scene to the left is typical. The weather here is freezing at night but into the 60's during the day and so far we have had beautiful sunny afternoons. Some of the stores here are actually promoting "Christmas in July" sales.

This afternoon we took a break at a lakeside park and visited a pioneer cabin which I found to be surprisingly similar to the pioneer Texas homesteads I've seen in South Texas. I've been told my job in Melbourne next week will be even more scenic than here but I've been very impressed with Canberra. The city itself is less than 100 years old and is laid out in large circles and the thing that stands out most with me is the cleanliness. There is no trash, grafitti, or slum areas. The traffic is very light and drivers (and everybody in general) are especially friendly and courteous. It is a very liveable city.....

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