Thursday, July 13, 2006

It's been a good week.....
Tomorrow will be the final day of the Canberra job and it's been a good start to the trip. Today we drove up above the city to an observation post and here's a group photo of the class. We've had a lot of fun, learned a little, and seen a lot. This afternoon we drove out on the western side of the city into the countryside into an area known for an abundance of wild kangaroos and yes, we did see some out in a field but they were too far away to photograph. In many parts of this area they are so abundant they are considered nuisance animals and very dangerous on the highways especially at night--much like deer in some parts of Texas. Actually I did see one close up but it had been run over by a car. They obstruct traffic, destroy crops and generally are a pain.

The photo at left pretty much says it all. Canberra is the national capitol of Australia yet has a population of less than 300,000. It only became the capitol in 1927 so is really less than a century old and you can see in the photo it is beautifully planned, very modern, and very clean. Despite the cold weather this is the type of days we've had all week--clear, sunny and baby-blue skies. The mountains literally ring the city and will have snow caps from time to time during the winter.
More later.....

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